Show that you voted with this blinky badge! No soldering required.
It's a great way to show that you participated in democracy! It's a wearable blinky badge with an ON/OFF and a BLINKING/SOLID switch, so that if blinking lights bug you, you can still wear an awesome LED badge.
It uses a cool astable multivibrator transistor circuit to alternately flash the red and blue LEDs. It also has sweet gold stars and looks fab.
- Place the battery in the battery holder with the + side facing up, matching the + marking on the battery holder
- If you wish to wear the badge, remove the backing on the back of the adhesive pin and press it down on the battery holder firmly. We suggest you wait 5 minutes before wearing to let the pin fully adhear to the battery holder.
- If you wish to use the magnet insead, place it on the back of the battery holder and stick it to any metal surface. Note: the magnet only works if the battery is in the battery holder.