NEW and IMPROVED for even EASIER soldering!
Some days are all sunshine and rainbows! The Radiant Rainbow was designed for people of all ages to have a fun, easy project to learn how to solder. Great for beginners!
This is a kit which you will need to solder yourself. It comes with self-flashing red, yellow, green, and blue LEDs that form the rainbow. Also included are four resistors, an on/off switch, two batteries and a battery holder, and a pin and magnet for either sticking to yourself or a refrigerator. Instead of using just one CR2032 battery at 3V, we have included 2 CR2016 batteries that you stack (place in series) to create 6V and ensure that all the colors are bright and stay blinking for many hours!
It was the fifth in our Solder Weather series, and has the most components. It's still great for beginners, but if you've never soldered before, you might start with our Happy Rain Cloud, Angry Storm Cloud, or Chilly Snow Cloud kits which are the easiest. The Sunny Surprise is also a good starting board, with a few more LEDs than the other three.
You will need a soldering iron and soldering supplies in order to assemble this kit.